Category: Advice

Time To Change The Meaning Of Love

The word “LOVE’ is the most commonly used word in our vocabulary daily, we are constantly saying “ I Love You”…. Be it to your parents, partner, children, pets, friends etc, and by saying it we feel we are being expressive and loving towards them. Are we really doing a good feeling therapy here for […]

Letting Go Of Attachments

Attachment to things be in material, physical, emotional or mental can at times be a heavy load to carry for many. I have come across so many people who are attached to material things which are of no use to them and can help someone else but no “we will not part with it”… They […]

Stop Mocking God

The other day, I happened to pass by a temple near my society, it was the first day of Navratri and there was a big crowd gathered for the aarti. I also joined the crowd and waited for my turn to pay my obsequies to the Lord. As I was waiting for my turn, I […]

Requirements Vs Expectations

I am at a point in my life where I no longer have expectations, I have requirements.  Respect my time. Match my effort. Keep your word. Always be honest. Stay consistent. Those are my requirements, not expectations. Requirements.” Life’s experiences have taught me the value of setting clear, non-negotiable standards for the relationships and interactions […]

Being Open-Minded Is An Art In Itself

Let’s say you have been living an entire life having a heavy cereal breakfast, so much that it becomes your truth. And you have always felt healthy with the way you have been living. The day you come to know about intermittent fasting that you could actually skip breakfast, you might laugh at that fact […]

A Boring Life

We often complain about the repetitiveness of our days. Day in, day out, the same. Morning alarm, breakfast, housework, work, looking after everyone else, dinner, baths, bed, wake up, repeat. But do we ever stop to think how much peace is in consistency? How lucky we are if everyday is the same? No big disasters […]

You are like a flowing river…

“This is who I am take it or leave it.”  A lot of times we become defensive when somebody points out to our flaws or dislikes us for being who we are.  It’s not wrong to defend your integrity, instead of succumbing to the pressure of moulding with the world. It’s important to have a […]