Requirements Vs Expectations

I am at a point in my life where I no longer have expectations, I have requirements. 

Respect my time. Match my effort. Keep your word. Always be honest. Stay consistent. Those are my requirements, not expectations. Requirements.”

Life’s experiences have taught me the value of setting clear, non-negotiable standards for the relationships and interactions I choose to maintain. These are not lofty ideals or hopeful wishes—they are fundamental necessities.

Respect my time. Time is the most precious resource we have, and once it’s spent, it can never be reclaimed. I value my time, and I require that you do the same. Honor our commitments, be punctual, and understand that every moment matters.

Match my effort. Relationships thrive on mutual investment. I am willing to give my all, but I need to see the same dedication and effort in return. It’s about balance, reciprocity, and knowing that we are equally committed to making things work.

Keep your word. Trust is built on reliability and integrity. If you make a promise, I expect you to fulfill it. Words hold weight, and your actions should reflect your commitments. Consistency in keeping your word fosters a foundation of trust that is essential for any meaningful connection.

Always be honest. Honesty is the bedrock of any authentic relationship. I require transparency and truthfulness, even when it’s difficult. Lies and deceit have no place in my life. I value openness and sincere expression , and I expect the same in return.

Stay consistent. Consistency in behavior, effort, and communication is crucial. It provides stability and predictability, which are necessary for building strong, lasting bonds. I need to know that I can count on you, that your actions and words align, and that you are dependable.

These are my requirements, not mere expectations.

They are the standards by which I choose to engage with the world and the people in it. By setting these clear boundaries, I ensure that my relationships are healthy, respectful, and fulfilling. I no longer settle for less than what I deserve, and I am unwavering in upholding these principles